
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Craft Adventure (Castor & Pollux)

Heya hello there,

Castor and Pollux are my two hybrid SD boys; Castor is a Leekeworld Adolf head on a 68cm dollzone body and Pollux is a Leekeworld Mihael head on a 65cm body. Since they're new, I've been working heavily on their bodies, outfits, faceups, etc... I figured I'd put some progress shots here (most of which are on my instagram - mishaverse - already).

I'm also really glad that the resin match is about 80-85% and you can't really tell there's a difference at all when they're wearing their clothes and wigs; I was quite worried about that when I put the money in for their bodies..

The hellscape that is my work table 99% of the time.
I like to have multiple projects out at one time. That way, when one head is drying, I can work on the others. That, or I can redress boys, play around with posing, or even just disassemble them to see if I can make them less sassy and stop snapping me!

Pollux's body holding his and his brother's heads
for a quick pic.
Misha lying comatose in the backdrop.
I included this picture especially, as well as the following, to show off some of the non-permanent modding I had tried out. Pollux's character has gone through some physical trauma and I needed a convincing way to show scars without permanently altering the body (because I am not that confident yet). All that goes into the scars is pastel and glue with a tiny bit of colored pencil. Layering the color really gives it a 3D affect that looks very much like scarring.

Pollux's screaming skull scarification.

Thanks for reading & I'll see you next time,

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Faceup Adventure (Angell Studio Kimi, "Honu")

Hey there,

This is my Angell Studio Kimi. I named him Honu after about a year of figuring his personality out. He's my precious baby angel. I like freckles. I like him. This shows an early version of what I painted on him (first picture) and his current faceup. I think I've gotten 100% better haha............................. (still needs work though >>)

[Doll Arrived: December 2011]
[Faceup redone: October 2013]

His old faceup was very simple. I was nervous to try anything fun and so he had a bland or blank look to him. I hardly tried using pastels at all. It's an adorable sculpt, so nothing looks bad on him, but it certainly wasn't the best look.

As you can see, I've gotten a little more adventurous with colors (adding some purples and blue into the mix). I love his new freckles and his eyebrows are much nicer now; the key is using pastels AND colored pencil. In layers. Layering achieves richer, deeper colors and gives it more...well...depth. The fantasy resin tone was exciting to work with, but it did take time to get used to the way color showed up on it. Even without "real" eyelashes, I love the way his lashes look.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed seeing Honu's evolution; he's my baby and I hope you grow to love him too.

See you next time,