
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Shopping with the Boiiz

Long time, no craft...

My friend and co-creator of SkippyBJD Mary was in town this week, so we took our YoSD boys with us to the craft store. We were there to pick up polymer clay for some doll-sculpting experiments,  but also wanted to see if there were any good doll accessories or props we could find. It ended up becoming a photo shoot, but we did grab some clay eventually.

We were looking at fairy garden stuff when we happened upon the above zen garden setup. The boys thought it was cool, so we plopped them down and snapped a few pics.

Then, we were wandering through the aisles and happened upon some lilac flowers - perfectly matched to Honu's eye color. He cooperated and let me take a pic or two.

All in all, a successful run. In another post, I'll show the progress we made toward sculpting some heads. Mary went a more traditional route with her's while I...well, I guess you'll just have to tune in and see, haha! Thanks for tuning in.